签到天数: 9 天 [LV.3]偶尔看看II 鲜花( 1) 鸡蛋( 0)
:doodle {
@grid: 2 / 1200px 710px;
bottom: 0px;
left: 0px;
z-index: 999;
clip-path: @shape(
points: 200;
r: cos(@pn(3,6,2,7,8)t);
background: radial-gradient(purple, orange, lightgreen);
@nth(1,2,3,4,5,6) {
@size: 100px;
@place: 60px 60px;
cursor: pointer; animation: rot 4s infinite linear var(--state);
@nth(1) { @size: 55px; @place: 55% 34%; }
@nth(2) { @size: 70px; @place: 75% 34%; }
@nth(3) { @size: 60px; @place: 20% 26%; }
@nth(4) { @size: 80px; @place: 35% 55%; }
@nth(5) { @size: 155px; @place: 32% 45%; }
@keyframes rot { to { transform: rotate(1turn); } }
:doodle { @size: 550px 1200px; top: 30px; left: 400px;}
@size: 65px;
@shape: circle;
background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#fbc041 0%,#e9dfd1 100%);
font: normal 30px / 30px sans-serif;
:after {
content: @pn([祝福祖国生日快乐]);
font-family: '华文行楷', sans-serif;
font-size: 3.0rem;
color: #fd2e8f;
text-shadow: 0 8px 9px #c4b59d, 0px -2px 1px #fff;
font-weight: 900;
letter-spacing: -2px;
animation: fall 1s calc((@i - 1) * 1s) linear forwards var(--state);
@keyframes fall {
from { transform: translateY(0); }/*变换:平移Y(0);*/
to { transform: translateY(510px); }
:doodle {
@size: 1150px 680px;
position: absolute;
left: @r(255)%;
top: -10%;
:after {
position: absolute;
content: '@p( ♬, ♪, ♩, ♫,祖国, ✲,繁荣, ❤, 强盛, ☺,生日, ★, 祝福,快乐, ❄)';
font-size: @r(15, 30)px;
animation: fall 40s @r(-6, 36)s infinite var(--state);
@keyframes fall {
from { transform: rotate(0deg) translate(0px); }
to { transform: rotate(@r(-250,160)deg) translate(-1500px); }