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发表于 2019-8-16 11:45
英文名称:Prayers on the Wind
专辑艺人:Dean Evenson & Peter Ali
发行公司:Soundings of the Planet
发行时间:6 April 2018
音乐流派:New Age
音乐类型:flac/ 分轨
即便享有国家科学基金会的赞助,狄恩仍旧希望能透过音乐传达珍惜大自然的理念,于是他毅然决然放下研究计划,转任录音工程师,打算边创作边学技术,作为发展音乐事业的基础,在美国著名的Regent Sound Studios担任录音师期间,狄恩很幸运地能够和许多大师合作,像Eric Clapton、Les McCann、Robert Flack等,充实了他日后的创作内容。
1979年,狄恩和妻子搬到亚利桑那州的雷蒙山定居,在海拔10000英尺的山顶埋首创作,同时把自己录制的录音带,用以物易物的方式交换给登山客,没想到狄恩以长笛演奏加入大自然采集录音的音乐风格,大受新世纪乐迷欢迎,他的传奇于是像滚雪球般,迅速地成为热门话题,而他创办的品牌----Soundings of the Planet也在他的领导下,连续三年获得Billboard评鉴为十大独立音乐厂牌。
另一方面,狄恩在音乐上的表现丝毫不惶多让:他制作的专辑,连续7张登上Billboard新世纪榜;他的个人专辑《森林之雨》是少数以长笛打进Billboard新世纪榜Top 20的经典之作;此外,他的所写的曲子甚至被迪士尼、美国公共电视频道选为片头曲,在制作、演奏、创作等多项领域的成绩都极为亮眼,堪称美国音乐界当代传奇人物
Award-winning sound healing pioneer, Dean Evenson, teams up with Native American flute virtuoso, Peter Ali, to create these stunning duets harmoniously blending silver flute and wooden flutes of different tribes and cultures. Delicate natural sounds of eagles, song birds, and ocean waves enhance this compelling musical journey flowing through many worlds. In these flute collaborations, Peter Ali would choose one of his flutes and begin playing. Dean Evenson would then match the key and play along. Their improvised compositions became the soundtrack for these beautiful musical dialogs. The mood and feeling of each piece was determined by the nature of the wooden flute as well as the interactive creativity of the musicians themselves.
Track Listing
01. Beyond Time (Lakota) 4:15
02. Slot Canyons (Middle Eastern) 3:57
03. Across Worlds (B Flute) 3:56
04. Misty Morning (Lakota) 3:53
05. Inner Earth (Ghost C) 4:29
06. Awakening (Lakota) 4:05
07. Ancient Echo (Maori E) 5:51
08. Cloud Watching (Mayan Double) 4:10
09. Eagle Raven Dance (Raven) 3:43
10. Remembering (Middle Eastern) 4:01
11. Discovery (Ghost C) 5:25
12. Nature Song (Woodland) 5:29
13. Secret Meadow (Mayan Double) 4:34
14. Flight Above (Norwegian D) 2:16