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like a sunrise
like a rainfall
down my soul
and i wonder
i wonder why you look at me like that
what you're thinking
what's behind
don't tell me
but it feels like love
i'm gonna take this moment
and make it last forever
i'm gonna give my heart away
and pray we'll stay together
cause you're the one good reason
you're the only girl that i need
cause you're more beautiful than i have ever seen
i'm gonna take this night
and make it evergreen
like a angel
like velvet to my skin
and i wonder
wonder why you wanna stay the night
what you're dreaming
what's behind
don't tell me
but it feels like love
i'm gonna take this moment
and make it last forever
i'm gonna give my heart away
and pray we'll stay together
cause you're the one good reason
you're the only girl that i need
cause you're more beautiful than i have ever seen
i'm gonna take this night
and make it evergreen
(don't tell me
but it feels like love)
i'm gonna take this moment
and make it last forever
i'm gonna give my heart away
and pray we'll stay together
cause you're the one good reason
you're the only girl that i need
cause you're more beautiful than i have ever seen
i'm gonna take this night
and make it evergreen 瞅瞅你这新歌一出炉就被我拽来了
就说我是不是你铁粉吧 英文歌唱的那么赞,westlife的歌最熟悉的My Love和you raise me up了,这首没听过,嗯,那么好听,直接当原唱来听 跟中文歌不同,唱英文歌的时候,有点微微的鼻音,好听那 纯正的英式哦
赞 棒,快掀起一阵英文歌浪潮哇~~ 欣赏一下,谢谢。 欣赏收藏老师新作 好看又好听 路过蹭听,送花点赞。