<DIV id=z2 style=\"FILTER: glow(color=#1e90ff strength=16); WIDTH: 100%; COLOR: white\"><FONT face=楷书 color=#00ff00 size=7>牛B哦. 牛哦. !</FONT></DIV><?import namespace = t urn = \"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time\" implementation = \"#default#time2\" declareNamespace /><t:animate attributeName = \"filters.glow.strength\" from = \"10\" targetElement = \"z2\" to = \"0\" autoReverse = \"false\" begin = \"0\" dur = \"1\" end = \"\" repeatCount = \"indefinite\"></t:animate></DIV>
<DIV style=\"LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 700px; POSITION: relative; TOP: 30px; HEIGHT: 150px\"><DIV id=z2 style=\"FILTER: glow(color=#1e90ff strength=16); WIDTH: 100%; COLOR: white\"><FONT face=楷书 color=#00ff00 size=7>牛B哦. 牛哦. !</FONT></DIV><?import namespace = t urn = \"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time\" implementation = \"#default#time2\" declareNamespace /><t:animate attributeName = \"filters.glow.strength\" from = \"10\" targetElement = \"z2\" to = \"0\" autoReverse = \"false\" begin = \"0\" dur = \"1\" end = \"\" repeatCount = \"indefinite\"></t:animate></DIV> 学习